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Sports, Fitness & Rec.

Programs & Services

Programs in this area develop fitness, positive use of leisure time, skills for stress management, appreciation for the environment and social skills.

Triple Play
To teach youth how to make healthier choices, Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) has teamed up with The Coca-Cola Company and Kraft Foods Inc. to present Triple Play: A Game Plan for Mind, Body and Soul. This national program takes a holistic approach to educating boys and girls about good nutrition, making physical fitness a daily practice and developing individual strengths and good character. In addition to components for the mind and body, the Triple Play program gets at the soul of the Club experience – the gamesroom. Each Mind, Body and Soul program component can stand alone, yet integrating them allows Club members to reap more powerful, lifelong benefits.
Healthy Habits: Empowering youth to eat right is a generation-changing, life-enhancing program goal, and Triple Play’s nutrition component, called Healthy Habits, covers the power of choice, calories, vitamins and minerals, the food pyramid and appropriate portion size.

Taking a systematic approach, this component boosts Clubs’ traditional physical activities to a higher level by providing sports and fitness activities for all youth – boys and girls, athletically gifted and those talented in other areas, children and teens alike. Daily Fitness Challenges: six challenges give youth at every age the chance to play longer and harder at different games – from jumping rope to basketball and creating games of their own.

  • Basketball Challenge
  • Jump Rope Challenge
  • Get Fit Challenge
  • Walk/Run Challenge
  • Home Run Challenge
  • Invent-a-Sport Challenge
Sports Clubs: Targeted to members 13-to-18, these year-round teen clubs develop members’ leadership skills; focus on community service and volunteerism; and offer Club sports, fitness, recreation and nutrition programs.
Triple Play Games: are inter-Club competitions in multiple team sports for boys and girls ages 8 to 18. Triple Play Games competitions take place between four or more youth teams.
This social recreation program includes a top-notch game room and social recreation program in the Club.